Articles by John Upton
John Upton is a reporter at Climate Central.
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U.S. and China team up to fight climate-changing HFCs
At a summit in California, Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to tackle hydrofluorocarbons, a lesser-known climate scourge.
Canadian power plant is buying up Detroit’s pile of tar-sands waste, burning it
Detroit's huge pile of petcoke, waste from tar-sands refining, is gradually being shipped back up to Canada and burned to produce dirty electricity.
Keystone XL isn’t even built yet and already it’s faulty
The southern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline is riddled with dents and other anomalies, prompting TransCanada to dig it back up and replace faulty segments.
France looks at America, says non to fracking
The French energy minister wants to keep her country's fracking ban in place. Just look at what a mess fracking has made in America, she says.