Articles by John Upton
John Upton is a reporter at Climate Central.
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Chesapeake oil? Offshore drilling pushed by Virginia lawmakers
Terry McAuliffe opposed drilling when he last ran for governor of Virginia. Then he lost and Deepwater Horizon happened. Now he's running again as a drilling fan.
GOP to Obama on Keystone: Don’t think about climate
With Democratic support for Keystone XL floundering, some say that Obama could link its approval to new climate change rules. Republican senators beg him not to.
As world marches against Monsanto, senators protect it from labeling laws
Food activists in hundreds of cities around the world turned out Saturday to protest against Monsanto. So far, Capitol Hill isn't getting the message.
Fracking accident leaks benzene into Colorado stream
Benzene levels soared in a Colorado creek after a natural gas facility spilled hundreds of barrels of natural gas liquid. So why haven't those responsible been fined?