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Articles by Jonathan Hiskes

Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.

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  • Palin says global warming harms Alaska, still wants to drill

    Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (from left), Senator Mark Begich, Congressman Don Young and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar arrive at a public forum meeting in Anchorage Tuesday to discuss Outer Continental Shelf development.Courtesy Alaska governor’s officeSarah Palin seems to have discovered global warming, and she’s got just the thing to do about it. Yesterday […]

  • Indiana bill would define clean coal and nuclear energy as ‘renewable’

    Indiana’s statehouse.Flickr: mattindy77The Indiana lawmakers are considering legislation that would define “clean coal” and nuclear-generated electricity as renewable energy. They’re also mulling bills that would define John “Cougar” Mellencamp as a jazz musician and categorize the pork tenderloin sandwich as a vegetable. Seriously, the energy change, being debated as part of a set of changes […]

  • Obama calls renewables a ‘pillar’ of new economy

    Courtesy of Georgetown UniversityPresident Obama today affirmed the place of renewable energy as one of the “five pillars” upon which he plans to build an economic recovery. In a speech at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Obama warned Americans to expect more economic pain and a long road to recovery. He then sketched out his […]

  • PBS’ Planet Forward brings a new kind of show to explore new kinds of energy

    Planet Forward host Frank Sesno (right) with Kevin Harrison of the National Renewable Energy Lab.Courtesy of PBSThree things to know about Planet Forward, the PBS special about America’s energy future that runs at 8 p.m. Wednesday: Social media … used well! In the interest of bringing “citizens and their ideas together with decision makers,” […]