Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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Groups use 350’s big day to fight cap-and-trade
Courtesy is taking a big-tent approach to activism on its International Day of Climate Action this Saturday, inviting anyone who wants to help to join a climate-change demonstration, or create one of their own. That open invitation means not everyone will be pushing the same message. In fact, a trio of groups will use […]
Yes Men chase Specter in Survivaball suits
Unidentified SurvivaballersCourtesy theyesmen.orgToday the Yes Men offered up another prank in preparation for the International Day of Climate Action, just a day after punking the Chamber of Commerce with a fake press announcement. The climate-minded stuntmen showed up on Capitol Hill in Survivaball suits, with friends in tow, to hector Sen. Arlen Specter (PA), and […]
WSJ reporter knocks own editorial page for Chamber defense
Today the Wall Street Journal editorial board published a typically dismissive editorial defending the U.S. Chamber of Commerce from the companies that have quit or criticized it over its position on climate change. The Chamber, to recap, opposes the clean energy bill in Congress and recently called for a “Scopes Monkey Trial” questioning the scientific […]
What Bill McKibben learned from the gay rights march
Courtesy via FlickrIf the mainstream media is going to largely ignore a mass demonstration on the national mall—such as Sunday’s National Equality March for gay rights—public demonstrations might as well be small, numerous, and spread all over, says founder Bill McKibben. Also, they should be beautiful. McKibben—writer, Grist board member, and an occasional […]