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Articles by Joseph Romm

Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

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  • GOP-led House rejects science, 240-184

    Science is the foundation of progress. Rejecting science means in essence rejecting hope for Americans and indeed for all humankind:  We live in complex times fraught with dangers, many of which are human-made and can be solved only by the application of science backed by resources that, sometimes, only government can mobilize.   That is certainly […]

  • Is global warming a black swan? Is the Japanese nuclear disaster?

    Year after year the worriers and fretters would come to me with awful predictions of the outbreak of war. I denied it each time. I was only wrong twice. -Senior British intelligence official, retiring in 1950 after 47 years of service One of the defining characteristics of humans is our ability to ignore or downplay […]

  • Does nuclear power have a negative learning curve?

    We’ve known for a while that the cost of new nuclear power plants in this country has been soaring. Before 2007, price estimates of $4,000 per kilowatt for new U.S. nukes were common, but by Oct. 2007, Moody’s Investors Service report, “New Nuclear Generation in the United States,” concluded, “Moody’s believes the all-in cost of a nuclear generating […]

  • Why does Washington DC have so many more deficit hawks than climate hawks?

    The GOP is launching yet another massive assault on future generations today, proposing deep cuts in the clean energy solutions that are central to averting catastrophic climate change.  Many of the ideas in the GOP’s ‘austerity budget for the poor and middle class’ are typically considered political suicide — like gutting Medicare.  And they may […]