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Articles by Project Coordinator Joshua Kimelman

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Last week in our series on personal climate action, we explored the power of advocating for climate progress as part of a community. But another avenue for personal action can be working for your community — ensuring that your neighbors, especially the most vulnerable, have their basic needs met in the face of threats caused or worsened by climate change.

For today’s newsletter, Grist’s project coordinator, Joshua Kimelman, talked with an organizer who is deeply familiar with direct aid and relief work about why these things are necessary for climate resilience.

The vision

“Every movement organization, every social justice organization across this world should have resiliency, climate justice, and education tied into their plans. Period. Because if you are doing any work for a group of marginalized people, you don’t understand marginalization until a disaster hits your front door.”

Climate and justice organizer Valencia Gunder

The spotlight

When Valencia Gunder delivers food and other necessities to people impacted by disasters or people experiencing hom... Read more