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Articles by Imagine 2200 writer Katharine Tyndall

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Imagine 2200, Grist’s climate fiction initiative, celebrates stories that invite us to imagine the future we want — futures in which climate solutions flourish and we all thrive. Discover the 2025 contest winners. Or sign up for email updates to get new stories in your inbox.

In my dream I look down at my chest and see through myself. I am made of golden strands, woven together. I am threadbare like linen in sunlight. Within me is a heavy tangle, and when I look close, I see a caterpillar, winding the threads around itself from the tail up, into a luminous cocoon.

The elders at butterfly house say that at 16 years old, my metamorphosis is overdue. I’m anxious about it: about being a late bloomer, about the process itself — most of all about being different from the others at school. Missing two weeks for some mystical butterfly transformation doesn’t help my worries about being left out. In the afternoons I used to go to the woods with a big gang of friends, climbing trees or old buildings, making up games... Read more