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Articles by Ken Johnson

I am a California resident and climate policy activist with a particular interest in California's legislative policy related to climate change. (More ...)

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  • Even More About Me

    [9/08/2010] I am a California resident and climate policy activist with a particular interest in legislative policy related to climate change. Recent writings: “Going Beyond CAFE Standards: Feebate Financing Incentives for Fuel Economy” (September 3, 2010) “A Decarbonization Strategy for the Electricity Sector: New-Source Subsidies” (January 13, 2010) Circumventing the Weight-Versus-Footprint Tradeoffs in Vehicle Fuel […]

  • Obama’s ‘tougher fuel standards’

    Re “U.S. to Issue Tougher Fuel Standards for Automobiles” (NY Times, 5/18/2009) “President Obama will announce as early as Tuesday that he will combine California’s tough new auto-emissions rules with the existing corporate average fuel economy standard to create a single new national standard …” Four questions: (1) Which will it be: an emission standard […]

  • If sticks don’t work, try carrots

    For an $80 billion program, President Barack Obama’s cap-and-trade proposal is very short on specifics. His budget plan [PDF] provides only the briefest policy rationale for cap-and-trade, describing it as “a policy approach that dramatically reduced acid rain at much lower costs than the traditional government regulations and mandates of the past.” The acid-rain program’s […]

  • Are emission targets ever really ‘science-based’?

    Are emission targets ever really ‘science-based’? Or are we playing a dangerous game of self-deception? Last month, Senator Barbara Boxer proposed six principles for climate legislation, the first of which was: 1. Reduce emissions to levels guided by science to avoid dangerous global warming. The National Call to Action on Global Warming, announced last week […]