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Articles by Kevin Doyle

Kevin Doyle is the president of Green Economy, a Boston-based firm offering consulting, training, facilitation, and strategic planning help to the public and private institutions building a more sustainable economy. He is the co-author of The ECO Guide to Careers That Make a Difference: Environmental Work for a Sustainable World, and is at work on a new book about climate change careers.

All Articles

  • Listen to NPR today for a conversation about green-collar jobs

    The drumbeat of interest in "green-collar jobs" just gets louder. Today at 4 p.m. EDT, I’ll be on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Here on Earth” call-in show, along with Keith Schneider from the Apollo Alliance. The show is an hour long, and you can listen live or later here.

  • Ten entrepreneurial lessons to get your green biz going

    Is it your career ambition to start your own green business or nonprofit endeavor? Join the club, my friends. Among recent college graduates and late-Boomer career-changers, “starting my own enterprise” is high on the list of preferred careers. And why not? When I turn on NPR in the morning, I’m often greeted by an ad […]

  • Listen as I talk green collar jobs on NPR

    Interested in the promise of — and questions about — the growing “green collar jobs” movement? Listen Wednesday, May 28, at 11 a.m. EDT as I discuss it on NPR’s Radio Times, a popular call-in show from WHYY in Philadelphia, the station that also brings the nation Fresh Air with Terry Gross. Bracken Hendricks of […]

  • Finding jobs at the Ceres conference

    Photo courtesy Cheryl Levine Last week, I attended the Ceres conference in Boston. My table was sitting down to lunch when the person next to me whispered, “It’s Al Gore!” Cool, sez I! We were already pretty excited about the prospect of hearing from Van Jones (president, Green for All), Theodore Roosevelt IV (managing director, […]