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Articles by Lisa Hymas

Lisa Hymas is director of the climate and energy program at Media Matters for America. She was previously a senior editor at Grist.

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    Women who can’t get birth control spotlighted in new short film — watch it here

    The new short film Empty Handed: Responding to the Demand for Contraceptives showcases the plight of women in Uganda who want birth control but are being failed by a dysfunctional distribution system.  The average Ugandan woman will give birth to 6.7 children — that’s the second-highest fertility rate in the world, behind only Niger.  The […]

  • Nearly a fifth of American women skip childbearing

    Almost 20 percent of American women end up going childfree, according to a new report by the Pew Research Center.  In 2008, 18 percent of women reached ages 40 to 44 without having borne a child, compared to just 10 percent in 1976. “The fact that nearly one of five women does not have a […]

  • Women’s rights are the right way to approach the population issue

    Suzanne Ehlers, president of Population Action International.Suzanne Ehlers, the new 36-year-old president of Population Action International, likes to talk about “the magic of family planning.”  If you give women around the world contraceptive tools and information, they’ll limit the size of their families of their own free choice, and that makes their families healthier, wealthier, […]

  • ‘Sex and the City 2’ is the greenest movie of the year

    Forget earnest documentaries about corporatized food and natural-gas fracking and climate refugees.  The greenest movie of 2010 chronicles the latest exploits of none other than Carrie Bradshaw. Yes, even though she’s a clotheshorse who once calculated she’d spent $40,000 on shoes.  Even though, in the latest installment of the blockbuster franchise, Carrie and her trio […]