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Articles by Lisa Hymas

Lisa Hymas is director of the climate and energy program at Media Matters for America. She was previously a senior editor at Grist.

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  • Michael Pollan on the affordability of good, local, organic food

    I don’t think our goal should be to make all food in America as cheap as cheap food is now.  … If the goal is cheap food, we’re going to hurt our farmers, we’re going to hurt the environment, we’re going to hurt the public health.  The goal should be to give people the money […]

  • Enviros back Sotomayor for Supreme Court

    Sonia SotomayorGreen groups are throwing their weight behind Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court, even though she doesn’t have much of a record on environmental decisions and hasn’t always ruled in favor of enviros.  More than 60 environmental and Native American groups — including the Sierra Club, Earthjustice, Greenpeace USA, the League […]

  • Replace the “Saudi Arabia of wind/solar/etc power” trope

    How many times have you heard that Place X is the “Saudi Arabia of solar power” or “Saudi Arabia of wind power” or “Saudi Arabia of geothermal”?  Kate Galbraith of The New York Times‘ Green Inc. blog has heard it one too many times, so she’s launched a contest for a new phrase to describe […]

  • Germany’s Merkel praises U.S. House climate bill as a ‘sea change’

    Angela MerkelPhoto: Bertelsmann StiftungThe climate bill being debated today in the U.S. House represents a “sea change” and “points to the fact that the United States [is] very serious on climate,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a visit to the White House this morning. “I wish you every success. … I would not have […]