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Articles by Maria Falgoust

Maria Falgoust lives and works in Brooklyn. She is a school librarian and a co-founder of The Desk Set.

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A lot of people I know seek out meat, eggs, and dairy from pasture-raised animals and vegetables grown without chemicals, but they do not question where their seafood comes from unless they’re worried about mercury.

The concept of sustainable seafood is a revolutionary idea that I hope catches on the way dolphin-safe tuna fish has. In mid-October in Manhattan, a group of environmental NGOs joined forces to promote the idea of sustainable sushi.

I arrived at the French Culinary Institute for the New York Sustainable Sushi Tasting having no idea what I was in for. The Blue Ocean Institute, Environmental Defense Fund, and Monterey Bay Aquarium hosted the event as a way to share their new sustainable-sushi guides while having people sample the goods.

The charming Trevor Corson, author of The Story of Sushi: An Unlikely Saga of Raw Fish and Rice and Casson Trenor, author of the soon-to-be released Sustainable Sushi: A Guide to Saving Our Oceans One Bite at a Time and sustainability director of Tataki Restaurant in San Francisco, were involved in the project and were on hand to casually talk about the subject. Japanese food expert and author Hiroko Shimbo an... Read more