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Articles by Randy Rieland

Randy Rieland is a writer who lives in Washington, D.C., but tries to spend as many weekends as possible at his cottage in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia. He also actually remembers the first Earth Day. You can email him at randy.rieland[at]gmail[dot]com.

All Articles

  • Obama says good-bye to MMS chief

    Obama To-Do List, May 27, 2010: Head of Minerals Management Services: Say good-bye Deepwater oil drilling permits: Freeze, six months Oil lease sales off Alaska coast: Cancel Oil lease sales in Western Gulf: Cancel Oil lease sales off coast of Virginia: Cancel Safety standards: Get tough Find out more. BP beatdown BP is medicore at […]

  • Oil rig workers missed ‘very large abnormality’ before explosion

    The Deepwater Horizon after the explosion.Photo: U.S. Coast GuardHere’s something to fill you with confidence on the eve of BP’s risky “Top Kill” gambit: Workers on the Deepwater Horizon rig missed warnings that something was seriously wrong before the rig exploded. BP itself, in a memo to a House committee, reveals that crewmen failed to […]

  • Is the Gulf oil spill spinning out of control?

    Top Hat, Top Kill, Junk Shot, Hail Mary. I don’t know about you but it sure feels like nobody’s going to stop this leak. Even BP CEO and chief spinmeister Tony Hayward is lowering expectations. This mess is officially out of control. “Plug the damn hole” Presidents don’t do impotence — usually. But while BP […]

  • Palin critique latest twist in BP slop

    Photo: WikipediaAlmost five weeks into the BP oil disaster and we’re way down the rabbit hole. None other than Sarah “Drill, baby, drill” Palin wondered aloud on Fox News Sunday whether oil company contributions to the Obama campaign are to blame for the president “taking so doggone long to get in there, dive in there, […]