Articles by Robert Stavins
Robert N. Stavins is the Albert Pratt Professor of Business and Government, Director of the Harvard Environmental Economics Program, and Chairman of the Environment and Natural Resources Faculty Group at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
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Why Cancun trumped Copenhagen: warmer relations on rising temperatures
During weeks of discussions in Cancun that wrapped up on Dec. 12, the world's governments achieved consensus on a set of substantive steps forward.
What happened (and why): an assessment of the Cancun Agreements
Despite the gloom-and-doom predictions that dominated the weeks and months leading up to Cancun, the talks must be judged a success. The Cancun Agreements represent a set of modest steps forward.
Defining success for climate negotiations in Cancun
The key challenge of the Cancun climate talks is to continue the process of constructing a sound foundation for meaningful, long-term global action.
Carbon-pricing and technology R&D initiatives: Both are necessary, but neither is sufficient
Economists and other policy analysts have noted that policies intended to foster climate-friendly technology research and development will also be necessary, but likewise will not be sufficient on their own.