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Articles by Russ Walker

Russ Walker is a former editor.

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  • First day on the job!

    It’s hard to tell, but that’s Greenpeace Executive Director Phil Radford standing atop a construction crane mast as Greenpeace activists display a banner near the State Department in Washington, D.C.Greenpeace / Tim AubryPhil Radford spent his first day on the job as Greenpeace USA’s new executive director getting himself arrested by staging a bit of […]

  • Taking Neil Young’s latest album out for a spin

    In 2006, Neil Young released a powerful political album, “Living With War” — an 11-track screed against the Iraq misadventure and the folly of sending young people off to die in faraway lands. It felt immediate, like Young had recorded it in a hurry, harkening back to CSNY’s rapid-fire release of “Ohio” within a few […]

  • The secret history of Earth Day

    If 40 years of Earth Days have taught us anything, um … While the Earth Day movement has had undeniable successes, critics charge that, uh … Whatever, screw it. Here’s the “real” story (with jokes!): 1970: Twenty million Americans celebrate the first Earth Day, but bloggers opine that it’s just a fad and will be […]

  • Steven Chu doesn’t talk in sound bites

    My oh my, how times have changed. For eight years, Washington was run by a crew that seemed to take delight in not sounding brainy, in being plain-spoken and “common-sensical.” Time after time, you’d see reporters banging their heads against the wall when President Bush or his minions would answer complex questions with non-answer answers […]