Articles by Susie Cagle
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One step forward, one step back for tar-sands protesters
Anti-tar-sands activists joined in Idle No More protests around the globe today. But Keystone blockaders in Texas suffered a big blow in court.
Laws banning ‘dooring’ of bicyclists mean well but don’t do much
The Virginia Senate has passed a bill making it illegal to recklessly fling a car door open into traffic. But do such laws make any difference?
‘The East’: A stupid eco-activist fantasy film only the FBI could love
To study activism, the filmmakers didn't go to protests -- they foraged weeds from dumpsters.
McDonald’s new sustainable fish is — surprise! — not so sustainable
Fish McBites and Filet-O-Fish sandwiches are getting a stamp of approval from the Marine Stewardship Council, but they're not exactly green eats.