Articles by Todd Hettenbach
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Electric Boogie
12,133 — per capita annual electricity consumption (kilowatt-hours) in the U.S. in 1997 1,381 — per capita annual electricity consumption (kilowatt-hours) in the rest of the world in 1997 21.5 — percentage increase in U.S. electricity consumption from 1990 to 1999 43 — percentage decrease in utility funding for energy efficiency from 1993 to 1998 […]
1.2 billion — number of dollars raised by Democratic and Republican candidates for federal office in the 2000 election cycle 110:1 — ratio of anti-environmental (construction, chemical, and energy/natural resource) PAC contributions to environmental PAC contributions 9 — estimated number of dollars spent by candidates for federal office per registered voter in the United States […]
Burning Rubber
6.5 million — number of tires recalled this year by Bridgestone/Firestone 270 million — number of scrap tires generated in the U.S. in 1998 500 million — number of scrap tires currently in U.S. stockpiles 35 — number of U.S. states that ban whole tires from landfills 59 — number of tire fires in the […]
Pounding the Pavement
3 million — number of acres of open space developed each year in the U.S. 40 — percentage increase in acreage of developed land in the U.S. between 1982 and 1997 1891 — year in which the first road was paved in the U.S. 2.4 million — number of miles of paved public roads in […]