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Articles by Valerie Tarico

Psychologist and author Valerie Tarico is a senior writing fellow at Sightline Institute, a Seattle think tank focused on sustainable prosperity in the Pacific Northwest. She serves on the board of Advocates for Youth, a D.C.-based nonprofit with wide-ranging programs related to reproductive health and justice. Tarico’s articles appear at the The Huffington Post, Salon, AlterNet, R.H. Reality Check, and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, and at her blog, AwayPoint.

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Several years ago, Bill Gates keynoted a breakfast for Seattle-based Climate Solutions, a nonprofit focused on advancing the clean energy economy and driving practical, profitable solutions to climate change. Gates opened his speech with an equation. To paraphrase: Our carbon problem = persons x services x the energy intensity of services x the carbon intensity of energy. The number of people is growing, Gates observed, and we all want more services. While Americans arguably consume too many goods and services, billions of people currently living in dire poverty need more. He then spent the rest of the time discussing the last two factors in the equation.

Recently, Robert Engelman and Samuel Codjoe published an article at Grist titled, “Hey, UN: Climate Change and Population are related.” They pointed out the fact that the United Nations would soon be hosting back-to-back conferences about population and climate change respectively, and they lamented that neither conference would likely address the concerns of the other. “That will be a missed opportunity,” they said, “because scientific research increasingly affirms that the two issues are linked in many ways.”

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