Remember when, at Copenhagen, richer countries responsible for most carbon pollution promised to supply aid to poorer countries suffering the consequences? Yeah, that's not happening.

People want to give Tony Hayward, the ex-BP head, money to buy oil and gas firms in emerging markets, perhaps because the idea of rich people fiddling with the economies of less-wealthy nations gives them warm fuzzy nostalgic feelings of colonialism.

The debt limit fight is going to kill any chance of climate legislation, forever.

The price of solar panels could drop to $1 per megawatt of energy by 2013, according to a study commissioned by a solar industry group. That's half of what they cost in 2009.

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Here's one way that's going to happen: A Massachusetts company has figured out a smarter, cheaper way of manufacturing silicon solar wafers. (Tasty!)

Van Jones wants to debate Glenn Beck. Who’s got popcorn?