This Hawaiian island is the future of energy
Watch our video to see the Kauai community come together around a modern grid.
How coal communities can outlive coal
There is a way to make moving on from coal a win-win proposition. Watch our video to find out more.
How to be an effective environmentalist (as told with smoothies)
Watch our video on why it's high time to get civically engaged.
How to talk climate with your friend who’s a total hippie cliche
This episode features Brad the Polar Bear Environmentalist, who only cares about things if they’re white, fluffy, and look great on a poster.
How to talk climate with your friend who’s already given up
This episode features Dave the Defeatist, who’s rendered listless and glum by the mere thought of global warming.
How to talk climate with your fake news-reading friend
This episode features Matt the Cherry Picker, who always has a maddeningly selective data set up his sleeve.
We explain Keystone XL, the pipeline that just won’t die
Trump revived the controversial tar-sands pipeline. What happens next?
What Trump’s Interior pick means for federal lands and national parks
Ryan Zinke will oversee 500 million acres, or 1/5 of the entire United States.