Christine O'Donnell sees no need to prevent pregnancy, use condoms, or care about population [VIDEO]
Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell has loony opinions not just on masturbation but on population, contraception, and sex ed.
Women on bikes take to the streets of New York City [VIDEO]
In this new Streetfilms video, some of New York's freshly minted women bikers explain why traveling on two wheels is so liberating. And so damn fun.
Greenpeace: Unfriend Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg if he won't ditch coal [VIDEO]
Greenpeace takes another swipe at Facebook -- for running its new Oregon data center partially on coal -- with an eye-catching animated video calling on viewers to unfriend Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Nissan’s smug (?), cute (?), ironic (?) polar bear Leaf ad
A Nissan ad shows a polar bear lumbering down from the Arctic to embrace a commuter in a hug -- a thank-you for driving the fully electric Leaf sedan.
Our planet’s population in miniature [VIDEO]
It sometimes gets lost in discussions of population that some of us have a lot more (and a lot more of an environmental impact) than others.
Bill McKibben tells Letterman why he's bringing solar back to the White House
Bill McKibben chats with David Lettermen about, his book Eaarth, and a new tour to bring rooftop solar back to the White House (Jimmy Carter installed panels; Ronald Reagan took them down; and students from Unity College in Maine, where they've been stored, are traveling to Washington to have them put back up). Hard worker, this guy.
Isolated green buildings won't save the planet, TEDsters argue
Everyone in the green-buildings world already understands this -- if they're halfway informed and halfway honest. Who exactly are the writers refuting? Real-estate marketers.
Is the U.S. the most overpopulated country on the planet? [VIDEO]
Does it really make a difference to global sustainability if Americans have fewer kids? Damn straight, says William Ryerson of Population Institute.
Population contrarian Fred Pearce on 'The Daily Show' [VIDEO]
Environmental journalist Fred Pearce has pissed off many by arguing that we don?t need to worry about population. Watch him chat with Jon Stewart.