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  • The BP dirty dozen: 12 videos that make you almost miss Tony Hayward

    While waiting, once again, to see if BP’s latest plan to plug its Gulf gusher will work, we decided to amuse ourselves by taking a look back at the lighter side of this environmental apocalypse. First (and last) stop: YouTube. Pass the popcorn. Here’s a BP dirty dozen: But I really hate when it gets […]

  • Grist president gets a pie in the face

    Here at Grist, we are berry grateful to all our lovely, generous readers who donated during the May 2010 “Save our endangered journalists” fund-raiser. We were thrilled to hit our mark of 2,000 delicious donations. Behind the scenes, we set our own challenge: Our President and Founder, Chip Giller, offered to let us throw a […]

  • ScamWow! Greenpeace has the perfect solution for scrubbing BP’s oily image

    Mocking the scam that is the BP cleanup, Greenpeace today released the “ScamWow!” infomercial targeting BP and other oil companies who need a quick solution whenever pesky ecological devastation results from their irresponsible, risky drilling practices. Spoofing the original late night cable sensation, the ScamWow! info-mock-cial demonstrates how the simple budget picker-upper’s cleaning powers can […]

  • Stephen Colbert’s going on a hot, sweaty field trip

    A few weeks ago, to inspire realistic discussion of immigration reform, the United Farm Workers launched a tongue-in-cheek campaign called Take Our Jobs — a website where American citizens can sign up for work in the field. Experienced farm workers were standing by to train legal residents and place them on farms in California, Florida, […]

  • Get drivers to slow down (and save fuel) by making it fun

    From the people who brought you piano stairs comes an idea for getting more drivers to obey speed limits. “Fun theory award” winner Kevin Richardson suggests making it “fun” to drive the speed limit by entering lawful drivers in a lottery and awarding cash prizes to some. Money could come from fining speeders, although that […]

  • Retrofitting suburbia: The task at hand?

    “The big design and development project of the next 50 years is going to be retrofitting suburbia,” architect Ellen Dunham-Jones says in an interesting TED talk. Much of that work will be repurposing shuttered retail spaces — redeveloping dead malls and big box stores and turning empty parking lots back into wetlands, she says. For […]

  • The ‘American’ section of an ethnic food aisle

    What with the Fourth of July holiday around the corner, I’m embracing all things Americana, such as this video of the U.S. food section in the ethnic aisle of a German grocery store. However, by the looks of it, almost the only things you’d be eating at your Independence Day picnic this weekend would be […]

  • Why drilling moratoriums are a ‘morally false choice’ [VIDEO]

    Should offshore drilling be banned? Jon Meacham of PBS’s Need to Know asked Lisa Margonelli, who writes about the global culture and economy of energy, at Monday’s TEDx Oil Spill conference. She explains her view that Americans don’t have a right to drive cars and use gasoline unless we’re willing to drill for it in […]

  • Watch oiled politicians get the scrubdown and other spill-inspired ads

    Sure, a bird dripping oil is a powerful image. But if you want your political spot to pack a punch, you gotta take it to the next level — say, a politician dripping oil. The Gulf spill, in a perverse way, has been a godsend for the makers of campaign ads — nothing says an […]