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  • PBS’ Planet Forward brings a new kind of show to explore new kinds of energy

    Planet Forward host Frank Sesno (right) with Kevin Harrison of the National Renewable Energy Lab.Courtesy of PBSThree things to know about Planet Forward, the PBS special about America’s energy future that runs at 8 p.m. Wednesday: Social media … used well! In the interest of bringing “citizens and their ideas together with decision makers,” […]

  • Fellow Washington Post columnist challenges George Will’s climate denial

    Another Washington Post staffer has joined the pile-on against columnist George Will’s climate-change denial. Fellow columnist Eugene Robinson lambasted Will on the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC Wednesday night, and also called out the editors who let him get away with it. “What George Will did was cherry-pick a sentence in a report, you know, […]

  • Send in your green questions for Grist for Earth Day answers

    Got a burning green question Grist hasn't answered yet? (Hard to believe, I know.) Think quick because you have until 3 PM Pacific today to send 'em in because our big brains -- along with a few other online eco-friends' -- will be answering them in a video montage for Earth Day.

  • Bachmann again calls for revolution against climate action

    Two weeks ago, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) called for an “armed and dangerous” revolution against measures to curb greenhouse-gas emissions and move away from fossil fuels. Now she’s toning down her rhetoric a bit, clarifying during an interview with NewsMax that she wants citizens “to be armed with knowledge, so they can be dangerous to […]

  • Power Down for the Planet video contest issues challenge for greener computing

    As an online-only publication using tree-free pencils (also known as “computers”), Grist is familiar with the energy-sucking pitfalls of internet technology. Which is why we think it’s so swell that the Climate Savers Computing Initiative (CSCI) is ganging up with the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program for some new-fashioned video contest fun a la Power Down […]

  • Seth Meyers jokes with NRDC

    Saturday Night Live‘s Seth Meyers addresses a fancy NRDC fundraiser. Pretty funny:

  • Cable talkers take note of Shimkus flat-earthism

    The idiocy of John Shimkus has attracted some attention from cable talkers. Here’s Rachel Maddow:   Here’s Keith Olbermann:  

  • U.S. corporation poisoning Africa’s lions

    60 Minutes had an extraordinary piece by Bob Simon this weekend on how U.S. poison manufacturer FMC is exporting Furadan (banned in Europe and strictly controlled in the United States) to Kenya, where it’s being used to poison lions, leading to an 85 percent drop in their population: [vodpod id=Video.16183146&w=425&h=350&] Call FMC at 215-299-6000 to […]

  • Solar roadways

    Randomly stumbled across this Solar Roadways idea yesterday. Doubt it will ever happen, but it’s a pretty nifty notion. AutoblogGreen also has a couple of posts on it: an introduction and an update from last year. See also Green Car Congress.