Observations and reflections from a House hearing on stimulus, efficiency, and green jobs
On Thursday I attended a hearing of the House global warming select committee on stimulus, efficiency, and green jobs. You can find a list of attendees, their full written testimony, and some pictures on the committee website.
Just a few observations.
First, and this will shock no one, Van Jones is a marvel. (It is not normal for Congressional testimony to solicit applause.) To take one example from today: I have labored through thousands of words on Grist to try to explain why the most common economic models fail to fully account for the benefits of efficiency investments. In doing so I have bored even myself and built great, airy rhetorical castles that only masochists would want to explore.
Here's what Jones said at the hearing: "Get the math right: don't just count what you spend, count what you save."
Um ... dammit. Why didn't I think of putting it that way? I could have trimmed 14,000 words down to 14.
Here's his opening statement, if you're interested:
New CEQ head Nancy Sutley on transit and green jobs
I am loving the level of transparency and interactivity from the Obamites so far, but I must say, this is directionally heartening but somewhat short on specifics. Sutley likes transit, green jobs, and efficiency. But what's the administration going to do about them?
Magnetically levitated wind turbines
Some surprisingly cool green tech, brought to you by ... Jay Leno?
(via Jetson Green)
Lou Dobbs works to make CNN viewers less informed
Will you look at the monumental, paleolithic, mind-boggling idiocy that's appearing on CNN in prime time?
Amazing. But there's more:
"Advocates of global warming." They're called scientists, you neanderthal. Christ. What year is it?
ZapRoot takes on 'clean coal'
The anti-coal bandwagon grows ever larger:
Newt Gingrich is an idiot
This short video should utterly discredit Newt Gingrich:
Then again, if nothing has discredited this dimwit yet, it's hard to see what could.
Lil Peppi
"What's the solution? We're the solution. So stop with the excuses and make a contribution."
Word, Lil Peppi.
Ricoh puts wind-powered billboard in Times Square
Just what every clean-energy advocate has always dreamed of:
(thanks LL!)