Berlin Zoo might have to send their once-famed polar bear packing
No longer the adorable baby polar bear who once graced the pages of Vanity Fair, apparently Knut is now under the threat of eviction from the Berlin Zoo. He’s almost 500 pounds, in need of a bigger home, and even, ahem, a mate. The zoo says rising costs and falling revenues mean they might have […]
Grist video kicks off Global Day of Climate Action 2008
In honor of the fourth annual Global Day of Climate Action on Dec. 6 and the global climate talks currently going down in Poznan, Poland, Grist put together a little video to get everyone thinking about how they’re acting to change the climate — for better or for worse. We’re working with other green orgs […]
Alliance for Climate Protection CEO Cathy Zoi talks clean energy
Alliance for Climate Protection CEO Cathy Zoi was part of the massive energy panel that Third Way hosted on Tuesday, one of several folks representing the environmental community. After the event, Grist caught up with Zoi to talk more about the organization’s new Repower America campaign, which aims to shift the U.S. to 100 percent […]
Green groups launch campaign highlighting falsity of ‘clean coal’
A coalition of national environmental groups, under the moniker “Reality Coalition,” today launched an ad campaign spotlighting the fact that “clean coal” doesn’t actually exist. The groups are spending several million dollars on print, broadcast, and online ads, as well as a website. The campaign is a shared effort of the Alliance for Climate Protection, […]
Colbert on the Hummer Club
Colbert on the National Hummer Club: Via Andy Revkin, who has a good post on related matters.
‘Time to get real’
I’m not necessarily comfortable with the fact that crusty old white farmer types in beat-up caps are the sine qua non of authenticity in the American imagination, but it is what it is, so I really like this new ad from Repower America:
Grist talks to Tom Friedman about ‘green recovery’ and restoring America’s global role
Grist caught up with Tom Friedman, New York Times columnist and author of the recent book Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution — and How It Can Renew America, after his appearance on the “Green Recovery” panel at the Center for American Progress on Monday to chat about exactly that. His […]
Will Poznań be a good COP, a bad COP, or just another COP out?
International negotiators are flocking to Poznań, Poland to figure out how to extend the Kyoto protocol, whose climate targets end in 2012. I believe that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change process is essentially dead — especially from a United States perspective — as I will discuss this week. Still, Poznań will be […]