I’m proud to say that Grist has been ahead of the game on gender and climate for a long time now — from Eve Andrews’ reporting on reproductive rights to the female Fixers featured every year in our Grist 50. We know the important role we play, and we’re using our (girl) power to help tell the story of a better tomorrow.

One of the things that struck me most when I began reporting on climate change is the way it uniquely impacts women. A warming world exacerbates social inequities and has a disproportionate impact on those with a closer relationship to the land. Women make up the majority of the world’s poor, and in many places, they are their families’ primary providers of food, water, and energy. This can make women vulnerable. But it also means women have the outsized potential to lead climate solutions that are both green and gender just.

Tackling climate change is fantastic for women (for everyone really, but even more so for us, ladies). And empowering women does wonders for the planet.

This year, I reported on how creating more green jobs benefits women workers, since renewable energy employs more women in comparison to the energy sector overall. And in nations where women play a greater role in politics, governments set aside more protected land and are more likely to pass international environmental treaties.

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There are a lot more stories to tell. And you can help make that happen. Readers like you make sure women’s voices are heard.

Grist is a non-profit, mission-driven media organization. We’re also a staff of mostly women! We’re working toward a planet that doesn’t burn and a future that doesn’t suck. That future is being shaped by some pretty dope green queens — who would put to good use some of your own green! Can you help us raise $50,000 this giving season? Check this out: On Tuesday, two generous supporters offered to put up $10,000 as a matching gift, and we’re trying to meet this match by Sunday. Donate now to keep this momentum going.

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Ladies — since we’ve got the most to give and the most at stake on a warming planet — this is a chance to treat yourself and your sisters around the world.

Get it, girl,

Justine Calma