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New York court backs greenhouse gas initiative, draws Sauron’s eye
And by Sauron, we mean an enormously powerful actor that holds the world in the grip of its wizened hand. The Kochs.
Why climate polls don’t mean much
People involved in climate politics are always using polls to show that the public supports their policy positions. But polls actually tell us very little about how politics will play out in the real world.
Oh, great: OPEC considers cutting production to boost oil prices
We can certainly all agree that a fossil fuel-based economy run by a cartel is the best way to do things, right?
U.S. market for solar likely to double this year
Cheap prices and incentives from the federal and state governments lead to an additional 3.3 gigawatts of solar power this year.
Me, on the radio, talking about military ‘greening’
I was on Sea Change Radio last week to talk about the military’s efforts to use less oil — and Republicans’ efforts to stop them. It’s a long bit, nice and meaty at about a half hour, so put it on your iPod for your next bus ride. Here it is:
New York likely to limit fracking — to some of the state’s poorest counties
Of course, those counties are the ones sitting over the necessary shale formation. But it's a perpetuation of a long-difficult link between pollution and poverty.
Americans for Prosperity to protest pro-wind rally of ‘extremist’ kite-flying kids
In honor of Global Wind Day on Friday, New Jersey kids will fly kites at the beach. Americans for Prosperity plans to shut down this radical activism.
Mayors: We’d appreciate it if coal plants stopped poisoning people with mercury, thanks
Over 90 mayors from several dozen states politely ask the EPA to hurry up and get rid of power plant mercury. If only it were so easy.
Solar-powered lasers could save us from asteroids
There are a few key facts to know about Earth being potentially hit by an asteroid, which could happen in about 25 years (so yes, if you’re reading this, you will probably be alive to see it): It’s best to try not being a dinosaur. Bruce Willis will save you. Robert Duvall won’t. And our […]
Big mystery: U.S. oil production hits 14-year high, gas prices not at 14-year low
We're as puzzled as you are. It's almost like the argument that drilling more will lower gas prices is totally wrong.