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Get the lead out: Have we already forgotten this lesson?
The new federal budget decimates funding for lead-poisoning prevention programs, even though we know they're wildly successful and hugely cost-effective.
Clean air ad featuring asthmatic kids is dangerously adorable
The Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) did a really good job at tugging every heartstring available in this new ad: Seriously, how much do you want to cry now? Maybe they really should send asthmatic kids into Congress as lobbyists. NRDC and Sierra Club are doing the closest thing possible without […]
Why less arctic ice means more mercury in your babies
Thin sea ice leads to a "bromine explosion" that turns gaseous mercury in the atmosphere into a toxic pollutant that falls on snow, land and ice and can accumulate in fish.
New revelations about how Fukushima almost forced the evacuation of Tokyo
During the most dire period in the Fukushima meltdown, the president of Japanese utility company Tepco tried to evacuate all workers at the stricken reactor. If that order went through, it would have precipitated a worst-case scenario and ultimately the evacuation of Tokyo.
Rick Santorum rewrites the history of clean air in America
Here is a video of Rick Santorum lying about the history of clean air in America and specifically Pittsburgh.
The Economist uses stale right-wing ideas to attack government regulation
The magazine has published a series on "Over-regulated America" that does nothing but contradict itself and repackage false claims about the costs of protective regulation.
Swamp Thing yells at kids about littering
You gotta admit, Swamp Thing is basically the perfect anti-littering spokesman (especially now that Captain Planet has gone off the rails). I mean, he’s essentially made out of the environment. In this so-bad-it’s-awesome 1989 PSA, he lectures children about throwing plastic cups in the water.
Industry mocks college students for fighting bottled water
College campuses across the country have been fighting to ban bottled water from campuses, and the International Bottled Water Association is fighting back with a pretty inane video.
Young people expect the future to look like Thunderdome
Why do young people view the future as a dire place, even as their elders seem oblivious to the triple threat of climate change, resource scarcity, and growing inequality?
Animated guide to building a Keystone XL
Turns out it's just a long concrete tube buried three to four feet under ground, rambling on for mile after mile, narrated by a guy with an adenoid problem.