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Stop the giant fish blenders!
Antiquated cooling systems of power plants throughout the nation grind all manner of aquatic life into a fine paste.
Critical List: A second leak in Shell's North Sea rig spurting oil; Chinese protest chemical factory
A second leak at the Shell oil platform in the North Sea is proving harder to stop than the first.
A Chinese protest against a chemical factory was one of the largest in three years -- at least 12,000 people -- and may herald a shift towards more public action in the country.
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is exchanging ideas with leaders in Rio about greening their cities. -
Industry exaggerates pressure to meet Clean Air Act standards
Polluters whine about the economic burden of reducing emissions during tough times, but the Clean Air Act gives them more than enough time to comply.
How to kill the Gulf's dead-zone zombie
The Gulf of Mexico's dead zone is the largest in the world, and it keeps coming back. But there are steps we could take to get rid of it.
Turns out Nature, like Wall Street, is also bankrupt
If you thought it was just your pension fund that was in the toilet, you'd best break out the plunger, 'cause you've got an entire planet that will shortly be following it down the loo. Check out this infographic:
GOP attacks the EPA for doing its job
The GOP refuses to acknowledge that the Obama EPA is following federal laws and court orders issued when the Bush administration failed to abide by the law.
Mystery orange goo turns Alaska into a Cheeto
The Alaskan village of Kivalina woke up coated in a shiny, powdery orange substance last week. When that happens to me it usually involves bourbon and Doritos, but presumably the authorities have ruled that out in this case. They've also said that the goo isn't oil-based -- but that's about all they know.
As summer temperatures rise, so does deadly coal pollution
Coal-fired power plants are a huge source of air pollution, which poses an immediate threat to health on hot summer days when smog levels are highest.
PhillyTreeMap: Crowdsourcing the urban forest
PhillyTreeMap, an open-source mapping system, helps Philadelphia keep track of an urban treasure -- its trees.
Critical List: Canada’s pushing tar-sands oil; cutting methane also helps cut climate change
In 110 meetings over less than two years, the Canadian government tried to convince Europe to delay or derail legislative changes that could affect the imports of tar sands oil. Basically, Canada doesn’t want Europe to know how carbon-heavy the oil is, because that could affect U.S. and European imports. So they’re pushing it as environmentally friendly. Because hey, if you don’t know how dirty something is, maybe it’s clean!
We often talk about cutting carbon, but here's a reminder that cutting gases like methane and nitrous oxide can also slow climate change.
The EPA found that, left to their own devices, companies don't tell consumers that their processes release or their products contain chemicals harmful to children.