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Articles by Ask Umbra®

The New York Times calls Umbra Fisk "a trailblazer in the field of eco-advice columnists" and "the arch online sage of the new green age." Her latest passion: kale smoothies ... no, sorry, civic engagement, because getting political is the only way we'll get a planet that doesn't burn and a future that doesn't suck. Ask Umbra a question here.

All Articles

  • Ask Umbra on anti-idling campaigns

    Send your question to Umbra! Q. Dear Umbra, My daughter’s Girl Scout troop wants to start an anti-idling campaign at her school. We need help justifying why a car should be turned off for more than 30 seconds. Although they have found that it saves gas and wear and tear on the engine and other […]

  • Ask Umbra’s video advice on making lunch matter

    Common wisdom tells us there’s no free lunch. But you can have a guilt-free lunch, thanks to Umbra Fisk’s recipe for midday munchers everywhere. You won’t have to swallow your pride — you can eat well, save money, and help this juicy planet we call home. “Ask Umbra” is the first video series produced by […]

  • Ask Umbra on drafty houses

    Send your question to Umbra! Q. Dear Umbra, I’ve heard that tightening up a leaky house is one of the best energy conservation tactics out there. Energy audits could save an enormous amount of fuel. My wife is very much opposed to this because she places a high value on fresh air exchange. Are there […]

  • Umbra’s top ten Climate Week moments

    Harrison Ford’s new earring, origami rainforests, flash mobs, crackdowns, Survivaball-wear, and so much more! Umbra Fisk does NYC’s Climate Week. Don’t miss her 10 Best Moments from the Big Apple’s climatic extravaganza.