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  • A Grist interview with Democratic presidential contender John Kerry

    Kerry power. Photo: Kerry for President. He has the jaw and build of Paul Bunyan; he windsurfs, kite-boards, and snowboards; and he’s married to Teresa Heinz, one of the most powerful environmental philanthropists in the country. He has his finger on every hot-button environmental issue in D.C., from helping to lead the Senate campaign against […]

  • West Side Story

    West Coast Governors Step Up to Tackle Climate Change Accusing the Bush administration of “foot-dragging” in the fight against climate change, the governors of California, Oregon, and Washington teamed up yesterday to unveil a joint strategy for cutting emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. Governors Gray Davis (Calif.), Ted Kulongoski (Ore.), and Gary Locke (Wash.), Democrats […]

  • The Environmental Protection Agency just isn’t like it was in the good old (Nixon) days

    Mike Leavitt — how long will he be smiling? Photo: Utah governor’s office. There has been considerable adverse comment from the environmental community about President Bush’s nomination of Utah Gov. Michael Leavitt (R) to head the U.S. EPA. Most of that criticism has focused on the governor’s environmental record in Utah, a record that appears […]

  • Last Scoundrels of Refuge

    Republicans Push for Oil Drilling in the Arctic Refuge — Again It’s the story that never dies: Republicans are once again plotting to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil and gas drilling, this time by adding a provision to a major energy bill that is now being hammered out in […]

  • A Greener Shade of Gray

    Davis Poised to Sign a Series of Pro-Environment Bills California Gov. Gray Davis (D) seems to be experiencing a green awakening as he campaigns aggressively against a recall. He is expected to sign a number of environmental bills in the coming days, despite opposition from major business interests in the state. One controversial, groundbreaking bill […]

  • You Can Ring Myron Ebell, Ebell, Ebell

    White House Tries to Undermine Government Research on Climate Change The Bush White House seems to have teamed up with a conservative think tank, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, to undermine the credibility of government scientists doing research on climate change. Myron Ebell, a director of CEI, which has received more than $1 million in funding […]

  • The real dimensions of $87 billion

    Add enough zeros to the end of any number — say, 87 — and it quickly becomes an abstraction. I can imagine 87 years (my grandmother’s age), or 87 miles (about the distance from my home in Brooklyn to outer Long Island), or $87 (which wouldn’t go far out there in the hoity-toity Hamptons). But […]

  • Bush pushes his Clear Skies plan — and his electoral prospects — at a notoriously dirty power plan

    Bush talks to the masses in Michigan. Photo: White House. When President Bush set out on Monday to defend his recent New Source Review rollback and promote his energy bill and Clear Skies program, it was hard not to notice the peculiar setting he chose. Wearing a hardhat and safety glasses, the commander in chief […]

  • The Ties That Blind

    Ties to Polluters Could Compromise Leavitt at EPA, Say Critics Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt (R), President Bush’s nominee to head the U.S. EPA, has strong financial ties to polluters, which critics say cast doubt on his ability to do the job fairly and effectively. Nearly 10 percent of the campaign funds Leavitt raised over the […]

  • Rocky Roadless

    Bush Administration Refuses to Defend Roadless Rule In what may be a final blow to the Clinton-era roadless policy, the Bush administration refused to appeal a federal court injunction against the rule by the deadline for doing so last Friday. Enviros are hopping mad that the administration didn’t defend the policy, which aimed to prevent […]