A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
Ray Vaughan. With what environmental organization are you affiliated? I am executive director of WildLaw. What does your organization do?...
British Columbia to Sell Land North of Glacier National Park for Mining Despite strong reservations expressed by Montana state officials...
If Everybody Had an Ocean With what environmental organization are you affiliated? I am West Coast organizer for Oceana. What...
Everyone knows that water is the stuff of life. But is it best viewed as a commodity or as part...
Dear Umbra, I’ve never appreciated human-made fabrics — polyester and its cousins invariably feel less comfortable to me than cotton...
Kicking Peterson’s Tongass Re: Shake Dat Tongass Dear Editor: U.S. Representative John Peterson (R-Penn.), who commented that old-growth forests...
Dear Umbra, I’m an elementary school teacher and I’d like to get a pet fish for my classroom, but I’ve...
Distributed Computer Simulation of Catastrophic Global Warming Spreads Lots of folks who saw the recent global warming blockbuster “The Day...