Meet the minds behind all that climate change data
In This Series
Digging for permafrost in the Last Frontier
How much carbon is being released by the thawing of the Arctic's so-called permafrost? Ecologist Ted Schuur braves Alaska to find out.
Linking ‘big weather’ to global warming
Most people are understandably confused about the relationship between global warming and natural variability in the weather. After the huge snowfalls in the northeastern United States over the past few months, for instance, many people can’t help but wonder: With a winter of such magnitude, how can scientists say the planet is warming? Day-to-day and […]
Will climate change hasten the spread of invasive plants?
Bethany Bradley probes the link between climate change and "alien invaders." The climate scientist studies weeds such as kudzu and purple loosestrife.
Measuring fast-melting Arctic sea ice
Julienne Stroeve shows how dramatic changes in Arctic sea ice are occurring right now -- with enormous consequences for the whole planet.
Global warming promises stronger hurricanes
Thomas Knutson studies storms and his research predicts that global warming is likely to mean fewer, but stronger Atlantic hurricanes.
Coral doctor sounds the alarm about more acidic seas
CO2 has acidified the oceans, and marine biologist John Guinotte says that spells trouble for coral reefs and for the marine ecosystem as a whole.
Dust Bowl 2: Drought detective predicts drier future for American Southwest
If you’re one of the tens of millions of people who live in the southwestern United States, get ready for drier weather. That’s the message from Richard Seager, a climate scientist at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observa
Math whiz tackles the big carbon sink puzzle
Inez Fung is on a mission to find and account for every gram of heat-trapping carbon dioxide on the planet. And she knows where most of it is hiding.
CSI: Climate scene investigator
How do we know that human activities are responsible for warming the planet? Because just like criminals, climate change culprits, such as smokestack or tailpipe emissions, leave behind distinctive signatures or patterns. All climate investigators have to do is look closely enough, and hardly anyone has been looking longer or more carefully than Benjamin Santer.