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  • I procrastinate too, but this is ridiculous

    “I think we can get a global agreement on climate change during my presidency — just so you know.” — President George W. Bush

  • Drilling in ANWR still isn’t the solution to high gas prices

    George Will is at it again. His latest bit of inane demagoguery can be found here, in which he excoriates everyone who has ever opposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge:

    Also disqualified from complaining [about oil prices] are all voters who sent to Washington senators and representatives who have voted to keep ANWR's oil in the ground and who voted to put 85 percent of America's offshore territory off-limits to drilling.

    Naturally, Will ignores the flip side of the coin. What about people who have opposed investing in renewable energy, increasing fuel efficiency standards for cars, or encouraging conservation a decade ago? Those people have done far more long-term damage. If we'd begun to work on the oil problem ten years ago, we would be in much, much better shape than we are today.

    But is drill, drill, drill a solution? Will writes:

  • Inhofe: Gore wrong 100 percent of the time

    “Almost everything in his movie, in fact, everything has been refuted.” — Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), on Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth

  • Arizona senator says no to Boxer-L-W without giga-subsidies for nukes

    McCain said last night that he is the candidate of change. How is billions of dollars in subsidies to build hundreds of nuclear power plants "change"?

    Here is everything you need to know about McCain's understanding of both energy and climate issues: He doesn't care enough about the climate to support even a so-so bill like Boxer-Lieberman-Warner unless there are giga-subsidies for nukes beyond the $100 billion or so the industry has received to date.

  • The real reason conservatives don’t believe in climate science

    Part I discussed the odd anti-science part of Krauthammer's screed, "Carbon Chastity: The First Commandment of the Church of the Environment." I ended by asking, Why does he break faith with so many conservatives and worship at the altar of evolution science, but stick with them on climate denial? My book discusses this general question at length, and offers the answer:

  • Republicans for Environmental Protection lets McCain off the hook for missing important votes

    Yesterday, Republicans for Environmental Protection issued their annual scorecard for 2007. Party standard bearer Sen. John McCain missed every vote they scored. (For more on that, see here.) So what did REP do? Give him a score of zero? No, they just didn’t score him at all. Nice to see calculated political cowardice rewarded. With […]

  • A fool and his money

    I’m guessing these people just want attention, so I’ll give them a little: Conservative grassroots group wants people to waste as much energy as possible on June 12 by “hosting a barbecue, going for a drive, watching television, leaving a few lights on, or even smoking a few cigars.” But only a little.

  • The enemy of the human race is set to wipe out Europe’s meager emissions gains

    They’re building a huge new coal-fired power plant in Holz, Germany, where there are already three. To fuel it, an open-pit mine that has scarred the fields outside town with a 31-square-mile hole will be moved west, swallowing up this village and nearby Pesch. Already, their neat cottages sit empty and boarded. That’s just one […]

  • Wired magazine bursts a blood vessel doing its contrarian thing

    To your right, you’ll see the cover of this month’s Wired magazine. The premise of the issue is that climate change is now the only eco-problem that matters, but to solve it, we’ll have to slaughter the sacred cows of environmentalism. (2001 called. It wants its framing device back.) So what are these heresies that […]