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  • Stella McCartney named green designer of the year

    <img alt="Stella McCartney" src="" vspace="0" border="0" hspace="0"> Photo: Peter Larsen/ Beatle offspring Stella McCartney was named the first-ever Green Designer of the Year at the Accessories Council Excellence Awards earlier this week. The vegetarian fashion designer doesn’t use leather or fur in her designs, and seeing as her mom was animal-rights activist Linda Eastman […]

  • Is slow fashion a new term for an old idea?

    Photo: somethingstartedcrazy Move over, fashionistas. This fall, the recessionistas are taking over. With the economy unraveling like a Forever 21 sweater, terms like “recessionista” and “slow fashion” are popping up all over. Last month, a piece in Alabama’s Press-Register proclaimed, “Fall fashion 2008: The year of the recessionista,” and The New York Times devoted a […]

  • Notable quotable

    “I kind of thought that eco-friendly clothes meant misshapen hemp sweaters — you know, from like 1992 or something.” — actress Maggie Gyllenhaal

  • Fashion season is upon us, and sustainable style has hit the ground strutting

    As expected, we see a lot of energy on the eco-fashion front. More shows, more events, and even more awards for eco-designers. The Ecco Domani Fashion Foundation is giving out an award for sustainability and there’s also London’s RE:Fashion Award. Check out the highlighted events below the fold. I’ll be at some of them and […]

  • In L.A., Mayor Villaraigosa plays footsie with Forever 21 over site of former farm

    Photo: loudtiger When I lived in New York City, I used to marvel at the weeds that would force their way up through sidewalk cracks. What a will to live, I thought: From clumps of dirt crammed between concrete slabs, these vigorous shoots fended off the hard, slapping heels of a thousand rushing city dwellers, […]

  • Eco-friendly outdoor outfitter resurrected

    Last month, we were sad to learn that stylish, sustainable outdoorsy-fashion darling Nau was biting the dust. Turns out that goodbye for Nau was a good buy for Horny Toad Activewear, a Santa Barbara-based maker of “lifestyle apparel” that recently acquired the company. (Hee hee, they said horny!) Mark Galbraith, head of product design for […]

  • How to green your underwear drawer

    Go on, green your drawers. Photo: jamelah e. Change your undies, change the world! OK, maybe that’s stretching things a bit — which can’t be good for those elastic waistbands. But think about all the times in recent history that underwear has shaped the culture: the 1960s bra-trashing by women’s libbers, the infamous 1994 “boxers […]