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  • Mary Landrieu (D-La.)

    Mary Landrieu Sen. Mary Landrieu has been a thorn in the side of enviros for most of her 12 years in the Senate representing Louisiana, a big oil and gas state. Last year, the League of Conservation Voters added her to its Dirty Dozen list of the worst environmental offenders in Congress. During her bid […]

  • Louisiana governor talks energy in his response to Obama’s address

    America needs a comprehensive new energy plan, and that plan should include more drilling for oil and gas. That’s the message Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal delivered in the official Republican response to President Obama’s address to Congress on Tuesday night. “To strengthen our economy, we need urgent action to keep energy prices down,” said Jindal, […]

  • Children living in FEMA trailers are alarmingly sick

    Photo: Marni Rosen Children who moved into FEMA trailers after losing their homes in Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have alarming rates of sickness and mental health problems, according to an in-depth review of medical records. Forty-two percent of the children studied suffer from respiratory troubles that may be linked to formaldehyde in the trailers.

  • Down the bureaucratic rabbit hole with the Corps of Engineers

    In a post last week on the bureaucratic inflighting over Louisiana’s coastal restoration efforts, I took a “the system’s broken” point of view. Chris Macaluso, a spokesman for the state’s coastal restoration efforts, sent me an email that elaborates on some of the ways the system is broken. The state government — which ought to […]

  • Louisiana’s coastal restoration efforts hit a costly snag

    It seems that in the fraying marshes of southern Louisiana, we can’t afford to maintain both shipping and coastal restoration at the same time. Louisiana’s biggest freshwater diversion project — essentially, a set of gates in the Mississippi River levees that let river water to flow over marshlands, depositing much-needed silt — must be closed […]

  • Louisiana Senator getting no love from enviros in her reelection bid

    Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, who’s seeking reelection for a third term, is the only Democrat to make the League of Conservation Voters’ “Dirty Dozen” list this year. LCV has given her a lifetime score of 44 percent and says she’s “the worst Democrat in the Senate on environmental issues currently running for reelection.” Environmentalists […]

  • How did so much water get into a New Orleans canal?

    Here’s a question I’d like to know the answer to. Hurricane Gustav dealt New Orleans a glancing blow, passing it by to the west. Yet as the world saw, the city’s Industrial Canal — a large ship channel running north-south close to neighborhoods — filled nearly to the top, and there was some alarming, if […]

  • Oil platforms off La. fare OK under hurricane; wetlands, not so much

    Louisiana’s people and property fared better under Hurricane Gustav than had been feared, but acres of valuable wetlands were likely irrevocably destroyed. “The last thing on anyone’s mind during a hurricane is how the wetlands are going to do,” says activist Aaron Giles. But since happy and healthy wetlands act as storm barriers, “wetlands are […]

  • Will Gustav be the next Katrina?

    On August 23, 2005, a tropical depression formed 175 miles southeast of Nassau. By the next day, it had grown into tropical storm Katrina and was intensifying rapidly. Early in the evening on August 25, Hurricane Katrina made landfall near North Miami Beach. Even though it was only a Category 1 storm, with sustained wind […]