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  • Resentment in partisan politics

    Reacting to this post, Reihan Salam (who majors in good blogging and minors in even better dancing) says there is enough fear, resentment, and moral arrogance to go around. He says arguing over who’s the bitterest of all is "unedifying." Your honor, I object! I wrote said post mere hours after Romney assaulted my logic […]

  • It’s time to break the American addiction to oil

    This post is by ClimateProgress guest blogger Bill Becker, executive director of the Presidential Climate Action Project. —– When George Bush declared that the United States is addicted to oil, it may have been the most insightful moment of his presidency. It is a cruel but apt analogy, and that’s why the big push for […]

  • Slower

    Kent A. Sepkowitz doesn’t mention it in this op-ed about lowering auto speeds, but it would save a heck of a lot of gas too. I’m sure politicians will be eager to propose it!

  • Pick of B.O.S.S. Palin and McCain’s speech make it a must for Dems

    The Senate bipartisan compromise on offshore drilling is, as I’ve argued, something for nothing. But the “Drill, baby, drill” Republican National Convention and the VP selection of Big Oil Super Shill (B.O.S.S.) Palin means McCain has doubled down on drilling. (I say it’s 50-50 that he makes the final flip-flop to embrace drilling in the […]

  • Palin to oversee energy in McCain administration?

    OMFG: "Sarah Palin to be energy independence chief in John McCain’s government" I’m not sure how much to credit this — it’s the Brit press, after all, and tied to a single, unnamed "McCain campaign official." But it wouldn’t surprise me. They’ve somehow managed to pitch a woman whose sole claim to expertise on energy […]

  • Where energy/environment issues stand in the Republican Party

    Now that the Republican convention is over (I hope you all followed Kate’s stellar coverage), it’s worth stepping back and assessing the big picture: Where do energy issues stand in the GOP? (As far as I can tell, environmental issues, including climate change, stand nowhere — the only person I heard mention McCain’s cap-and-trade program […]

  • Charlie Rose chats with pre-VP-candidate Sarah Palin

    Since everyone seems obsessively interested in Sarah Palin these days, here she is in Charlie Rose’s “Green Room,” saying, among other things, that Alaska’s oil can revitalize our economy and give us energy independence, which is of course, um, false: And here’s a full hour of Charlie Rose with Ariz. governor Janet Nepolitano and Palin: […]

  • Palin’s ‘energy expertise’

    Alaska is basically a petrostate — to the extent oil prices rise, it benefits. Thus politicians in Alaska develop a very sophisticated ability to encourage Alaskan energy exploration and to use the resulting revenue to garner support among their constituents. It’s difficult to see how that sort of “expertise” is going to translate to the […]