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  • The Carbon Logic Problem Statement

    An acclaimed mountaineer, a Baptist minister and a distinguished economist were stuck in a pit. The mountain climber said, “Stand back boys, I’ll have us out in a jiffy,” but the walls of the pit were loose shale and she couldn’t gain purchase. Then the minster raised his arms high and in a deep sonorous […]

  • State budget crisis could be key to climate change

    If the Governors of a few key states pick up their phones in a hurry they could shrink their gaping budget shortfalls and help climate change legislation pass the Senate with one call. On Wednesday, Adriel Bettelheim at CQPolitics explained: The climate change bill (HR 2454) the House passed on June 26 would distribute allowances […]

  • MoveOn calls on Senate to preserve Clean Air Act in climate bill

    MoveOn is running full-page ads in D.C.-based publications urging the Senate to maintain the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate carbon dioxide. The climate bill passed by the House last month would limit the EPA’s ability to regulate CO2 under the Clean Air Act, instituting a new regulatory system instead. Keeping the EPA’s authority intact […]

  • McCaskill says House climate bill will sink in Senate

    Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) doesn’t think that the climate and energy bill that passed the House last month stands much of a chance in the Senate. And if climate legislation is going to pass the Senate, it would have to have a “very gradual implementation,” McCaskill told conservative Missouri talk radio host Mike Ferguson on […]

  • Top 10 reasons the Senate should strengthen and pass the Waxman-Markey bill

    This post first appeared on the NRDC Switchboard site. It is vital to enact comprehensive energy and climate legislation this year — to help deliver economic, energy, and climate security.  As President Obama has said, the choice is “between a slow decline and renewed prosperity; between the past and the future.”  The time to act […]

  • Nuclear + cap-and-trade = bipartisan climate bill?

    Getting a climate bill through the Senate with some Republican support might be easier than many observers think, but only if it comes with provisions providing a big boost for nuclear energy. That was one takeaway from Tuesday’s Senate committee hearing on climate change legislation, the first of a series that the Environment and Public […]

  • Senate panel to kick off climate hearings on Tuesday

    The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee this week will begin the task of drafting climate and energy legislation, picking up where the House left off after passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act at the end of June. A hearing called for Tuesday will look at different “legislative tools” for addressing climate change. […]

  • Rep. Massa explains his ‘no’ vote

    Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) was one of 44 Democrats who voted against the American Clean Energy and Security Act (aka Waxman-Markey) on June 26. Massa sent out the following explanation to his campaign email list: On Friday, June 26th, the 111th Congress voted on, and passed the Cap & Trade Climate Bill (H.R. 2454). I […]

  • American Clean Energy Security Act strengthens U.S. ability to sabotage international climate talks

    “The world is not going to turn its back on coal.“U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven ChuThe Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy Security Act (ACES) won’t cut emissions. It won’t serve as a platform we can improve later anymore than the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) served as a foot in the door to improve our democracy when […]