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  • Seeking a tougher climate bill, green groups set eyes on the Senate

    Update: The House on Friday passed the Waxman-Markey bill, 219 to 212. The story below was written ahead of that vote, but its focus on how environmental groups hope to improve the bill in the Senate remains timely. Environmental groups are downplaying hopes that their allies in Congress will be able to strengthen the American […]

  • Wanna strengthen the climate bill? Get this one passed.

    As Mother Jones recently chronicled, the environment community is fractured on the House clean energy and climate protection bill, though the bigger pieces — Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, National Wildlife Federation, League of Conservation Voters —  are squarely for it. Al Gore last night in a open invitation conference call sought to rally […]

  • House swing votes stay mum on climate bill

    Nine House Democrats who could determine the fate of the American Clean Energy & Security Act: (rear, from left) Baron Hill, Earl Pomeroy, Artur Davis, Rick Boucher; (front, from left) Mike Ross, Charlie Melancon, Jason Altmire, John Tanner, and Gene Taylor.Photo illustration by Tom Twigg / GristOf the 31 lawmakers who form the statistical center […]

  • Activist groups rally support for climate bill

    Photos of 1sky volunteers in South Carolina from their June 19 action day event. Find out how you can get involved with climate action via FlickrThis is an exciting week for environmental activist organizations. After all, they’re all about rounding up masses of grassroots supporters for just such an occasion as the expected House […]

  • How bad is the Peterson-Waxman deal on climate legislation?

    Big Ag gets its way. [See update below.] Surprising no one–but disappointing many–House energy chief Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) has caved in to the demands of the the agribusiness industry over the climate bill. In reality, he had little choice if he wanted his legislation to get through the House. For more than a month, House […]

  • How Waxman-Markey tackles climate change by saving forests

    One of the little-known ingredients of the deal that allowed the American Clean Energy and Security Act, H.R. 2454, to pass the Energy and Commerce committee was a breakthrough on protections for the world’s vanishing tropical forests. The bill’s authors, Representatives Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Ed Markey (D-MA), used this agreement to achieve the bill’s […]

  • Climate bill puts Americans in the green (SEE MAP)

    There’s a lot of talk about the costs of the proposed climate bill for American consumers. As we’ve documented repeatedly, opponents of climate policy have cranked out lots of “studies” to prove the bill will crater the economy. The latest garbage to come out of the opposition team was the map that suddenly popped up […]

  • Why I’m not freaked out about the Waxman-Markey climate bill

    Feeling ambivalent?Will the Waxman-Markey bill spark a full-scale energy revolution? No. Not on its own, not in the next 10-15 years. The short-term targets for reducing greenhouse gases are too low, the renewable electricity standard is too weak, too many offsets are allowed, and there’s too little investment in clean energy. To boot, there’s every […]

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    It’s no time for change, says ad from Gingrich’s group

    American Solutions for Winning the FutureThe people who brought you the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” energy plan have launched a new TV ad opposing the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill, or, as the new 30-second spot calls it, the “national energy tax.” American Solutions for Winning the Future, a group founded by former […]