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  • Phony coal map distorts clean energy bill costs

    You have to hand it to the coal industry.  They are not content to just spend millions of dollars on “wild and crazy” advertising claims about “clean coal.” Now, they are bringing those same mad skills of deception to mapmaking.  Yes, you read that right:   We are now looking at lying via cartography. This colorful […]

  • Contesting on occupied terrain

    “I am open and I am willingFor to be hopeless would seem so strangeIt dishonors those who go before usSo lift me up to the light of change.” “I Am Willing,” by Holly Near There is much evidence to indicate that there will be a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives next […]

  • Worried about international competition? Another look at the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade proposal

    The potential impacts of proposed U.S. climate policies on the competitiveness of U.S. industries is a major political issue, and it was one of the key issues in the Energy and Commerce Committee of the House of Representatives in the design of Henry Waxman and Edward Markey’s H.R. 2454 (the American Clean Energy and Security […]

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    White House and enviros amp up efforts to pass climate bill in House

    The House is gearing up to vote on the American Clean Energy and Security Act as soon as next week, and both the White House and environmental groups are planning a full-court press to get it passed. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), coauthor of the bill, has said he is “very close” to making a final deal […]

  • House GOP circulating anti–climate bill document created by coal lobby

    [See updates below.] It’s no secret that the fossil-fuel industry produces many of the talking points Republicans use to scare voters about energy legislation. Usually, though, dirty energy execs don’t literally sign on as authors. House Republicans are circulating a PowerPoint document that purports to show the regional breakdown of costs for energy consumers under […]

  • Cap-and-trade primer goes to Washington (DC)

    We all know that the devil’s in the details when it comes to legislation, and the American Clean Energy and Security Act, a.k.a. Waxman-Markey, is no exception. This 900-plus page proposal tackling climate change and clean energy is chock full of such fiendish facets. We at Sightline Institute carefully studied the climate portion of the […]

  • News flash: More jobs and lower energy costs good for low-income Americans

    Memo TO: U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Manufacturers, Heritage Foundation and other industry groups predicting the end of life as we know if America takes action on climate change FROM: Natural Resources Defense Council, Political Economic Research Institute/University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Green for All and the Center For American Progress Subject: Inconvenient New Study […]

  • CBO: Household costs under Waxman-Markey likely much lower than report reflects

    Last Friday, the Congressional Budget Office answered some questions from Sen. John Kerry about its much-discussed report (PDF) on the costs of cap-and-trade. You’ll recall the report’s principle conclusion: a cap-and-trade program would reduce the deficit over the next decade. Despite that positive outcome, the report contained some scary numbers, like the fact that the […]

  • What does the CBO report on Waxman-Markey actually tell us? (Not much).

    The Congressional Budget Office recently issued its report on the Waxman-Markey bill. The Washington Times soon trumpeted: “CBO puts hefty price tag on emissions plan: Obama’s cap-and-trade system seen costing $846 billion.” This is quite misleading. Actually, the CBO report tells us virtually nothing about the economic costs of the bill or how much consumers […]