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  • Understanding offsets

    As the struggle to pass the Waxman-Markey climate-energy bill showed, there is a certain price any political system is willing to bear for climate action. In China, that price is low. In the United States, it is medium. And in Europe, it is relatively high. But in every system, there exist two primary ways to […]

  • Cap-and-trade: filling up the political space that should be used for real solutions

    One of the least discussed flaws in the Waxman-Markey bill’s attempt to tackle the climate crisis also illustrates the fundamental problem with cap-and-trade. The bill strips the EPA[1] of much of its existing authority to regulate greenhouse gases, in return for the new, weaker authority granted under Waxman-Markey. The existence of this authority is one […]

  • Climate politics scoop and question of the week

    Okay, I don’t know if it is a scoop, heck, I don’t know for certain it is true, but a very reliable source tells me that speaker Pelosi wants the climate bill on the House floor the last week in June. That is consistent with what Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said (see “House Majority Leader says […]

  • New ads target three House members who voted against climate bill

    The League of Conservation Voters,, and the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO are running new ads targeting two Democrats and one Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee who voted against the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill last week. The ads target John Barrow (D-Ga.), Mike Ross (D-Ark.), and Roy Blunt […]

  • Congressional leaders head to China to make nice on climate

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.XinhuaHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi is in China this week leading a congressional delegation to discuss, among other things, climate change and environmental protections. But despite the public displays of unity on climate, there remain some strong divisions between the two countries on what needs to happen in […]

  • Counting the real progress on climate action

    This piece was co-written by Nina Hachigian and Julian Wong of the Center for American Progress. —– We are now entering the six-month period before the U.N. climate change negotiations in Copenhagen, which are intended to hammer out a successor treaty to the Kyoto protocol that expires in 2012. Progress on climate policy domestically will […]

  • Do the 2 billion offsets allowed in Waxman-Markey gut the emissions targets? Part 1

    The flaw in the Waxman-Markey bill is not the too-many offsets that domestic polluters are (potentially) allowed to purchase in lieu of actually reducing their own emissions. The flaw in Waxman-Markey is the too-mild 2020 target — a 17% reduction from 2005 levels — which will be so easy to achieve with various low-cost clean […]

  • The wonderful politics of cap-and-trade: A closer look at Waxman-Markey

    The headline of this post is not meant to be ironic. Despite all the hand-wringing in the press and the blogosphere about a political “give-away” of allowances for the cap-and-trade system in the Waxman-Markey bill voted out of committee last week, the politics of cap-and-trade systems are truly quite wonderful, which is why these systems […]

  • Gore’s green groups kick into campaign mode to push climate legislation

    Gore and R.K. Pachauri, head of the International Panel on Climate Change, talk with the media at the May gathering of The Climate Project in Nashville.Associated Press photo Al Gore is drawing lessons from the Obama campaign as he works to rally support for the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill. While the environmental movement will […]