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  • Waxman-Markey bill would do more for climate without cap-and-trade provision

    Waxman-Markey is a big split personality of a bill. Its efficiency and renewable requirements would make a dent in greenhouse gas emissions, even if not a very big one. But the cap-and-trade at the heart of the legislation is another story. Why do we need cap-and-trade or a carbon tax or something similar? If we […]

  • Citizens in Seattle, fossils in D.C.

    A crowd gathered in Seattle on May 21 to call for action on climate change. The rally occurred as the EPA held a public hearing in the city on its CO2 endangerment finding.Tom Twigg / Grist Today is an interesting day in the climate/energy world. In Seattle, where I am right now (Twittering like crazy!), […]

  • Climate protesters arrested at sit-in outside Rick Boucher’s office

    Capitol Police arrested 15 protesters outside the office of Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.) on Thursday as the debate over the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill continued. The protesters, from the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, held a sit-in outside Boucher’s office to protest his role in getting more support into the bill for coal. Boucher, who […]

  • Weakening amendments fail as American Clean Energy and Security Act moves through markup

    The second day of markup on the Waxman/Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454) saw a series of amendments from opponents designed to weaken the green economy bill fail in a series of votes. The debate on amendments will continue today and the sessions appear on track to get the bill voted out […]

  • Waxman-Markey gets it right with its allocations to regulated utilities

    This post is reprinted from Climate Progress. As the U.S. makes significant progress towards enacting a cap-and-trade system to control greenhouse gas emissions, some are worried that the new Waxman-Markey bill (W-M or H.R. 2454) may enable polluting utilities to reap windfall profits. We disagree. The allowance allocation provisions of this bill have been thoughtfully […]

  • EPA: Markup of clean energy act has lower compliance costs

    This post is co-written with Sean Pool. As the House Energy and Commerce Committee deliberations continue on the American Clean Energy and Security Act, H.R. 2454, opponents have made a number of wild charges about the cost of the bill. These claims are false. A new EPA analysis found that “compared to the draft bill, […]

  • Waxman-Markey Rorschach blot, illustrated

    I said in a post the other day that the Waxman-Markey bill is a Rorschach blot. Here’s a good way of making the point. This is the World Resources Institute’s estimate of emissions reductions under Waxman-Markey — the original draft released in April: Here’s WRI’s updated estimate for the hashed-over Waxman-Markey bill introduced to committee […]

  • Final vote on climate bill in Energy and Commerce Committee to come soon

    The deal was set this morning.  As The Washington Post (among others) just reported: At the start of Day Four of the committee’s debate, ranking Republican Joe Barton (Texas) said he and Chairman Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) had agreed to limit debate on each new amendment to 10 minutes. That came after a second marathon […]

  • House ag chief Peterson: Waxman-Markey is mine, all mine

    Corn: more important than climate? I’ve been reporting on it for a while, but now it’s reaching fever pitch: Big Ag is getting downright jittery about climate change legislation. There’s no mystery about why: industrial agriculture spews out massive amounts of greenhouse gas. Any serious scheme for reckoning with climate change will deal harshly with […]