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  • Waxman-Markey permit allocation plan: could be worse

    As Grist readers know, the House Energy Committee has been behind closed doors hashing out a compromise version of the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill. Some details of the compromise were announced earlier this week. Today saw the release of the proposal for allocating pollution permits under the compromise bill (reprinted in full at the […]

  • Waxman and Markey divvy up the goods — I wish my parents had given me allowances like this!

    Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Ed Markey (D-MA) have circulated a draft proposal of allowance allocations for their landmark energy and climate legislation (see here and below). They explain: Emission allowances will be allocated to accomplish three primary goals: (1) to protect consumers from energy price increases; (2) to assist industry in the transition to a […]

  • Waxman’s big get: VA Rep. Boucher

    “Key Dem backs Waxman climate bill” is how Politico reported this afternoon’s big breaking news.  Boucher is … a coal-country Democrat whose support signals the backing of industrial state Democrats in the south and Midwest. “I intend to vote yes and I intend to encourage all other members of the committee to do the same,” […]

  • Why farm-state pols rage against the EPA’s biofuel stance

    His Majesty is furiousWhy are farm-state pols howling against recently proposed EPA rules on biofuel and greenhouse gas emissions? As I reported last week — echoed by Time’s Michael Grunwald — the agency made extremely generous assumptions regarding the GHG footprint of crop-based fuel. What’s more, the proposed rules actually enshrine the titanic biofuel mandates […]

  • Cap and Market This Year

    New York City — Later today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is expected to release the Chairman’s Mark of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, also known as the energy and cap and trade bill, for markup next week. The new text will reflect a deal made Tuesday on the key […]

  • Rethinking the rules of engagement

    How does this thing work? In last week’s New Yorker, Malcolm Gladwell wrote a fascinating article, “How David Beats Goliath: When Underdogs Break The Rules.” In his patented style, Gladwell weaves together story after story of underdogs who defied convention to defeat much stronger opponents. From the Biblical story of David defeating Goliath to a […]

  • The Climate Post: The blind press grope the carbon legislation elephant

    This week’s climate headlines are reminiscent of an old joke that touted “newspaper headlines the day after nuclear war.” The New York Times: “Nuclear War, Third World Hit Hardest.” The Wall Street Journal: “Nuclear War, Effect on Markets Uncertain.” The Boston Globe: “Tip O’Neill Safe After Nuclear Blast.” USA Today: “We’re Dead! Full AFC-NFC Box […]

  • “Democrats to Relax House Emissions Bill” — now it gets a B or B- grade.

    The first quote is the Washington Post headline today.  Can’t argue with the overall message — although I would like to know what those “house emissions” are.  Roll Call’s spin is more political, and thus more positive, “Waxman, Markey Announce Breakthrough on Climate Change Bill.”  Or you can take Congress Daily AM’s spin, “Energy And […]

  • How I learned to stop worrying and love Waxman-Markey, Part 2: In praise of domestic offsets

    The two biggest concerns about domestic offsets in climate legislation — the possibility they will be riddled with fraud and/or that they will overwhelm the “genuine” emissions reductions — are I think, largely unwarranted.  The fact that Waxman-Markey potentially allows a substantial amount of domestic offsets is no reason whatsoever oppose it. As readers know, […]