JesusPhoto: MReece via FlickrNot even the Big Guy can saviour BP’s luck.There have been many, many striking things about the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico: the carelessness of BP CEO Tony Hayward’s comments, the ridiculousness of BP’s spill-response plan, the scope and scale of the spill itself, the list of failed attempts to plug the leak whose names sound like they were made up by a seven year-old.

And now, perhaps most striking (ahem) of all, comes news that the only functioning, albeit imperfect, solution for containing the runaway oil — the ship siphoning off about 15,000 barrels a day — was hit by lightning and set ablaze on Tuesday morning. How’s that for a sign that BP just can’t win?

Thankfully, the fire was small and quickly snuffed out. But considering other recent lightning bolt targets — a 62-foot-tall Jesus statue in Ohio was another fiery casualty — should we give some credence to speculations that the oil spill actually heralds the apocalypse?


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