Hey makers of right-wing talking points! Pay attention to these solar companies. They might fail this year, and as we all know, when a solar company fails you can repurpose its hide into a political hobby-horse and ride it forever.

Here are this year's candidates for companies most likely to be mispronounced by one of the interchangeable hosts on Fox News, courtesy Matt Feinstein of Lux Research:

  • Nanosolar
  • Solopower
  • Abound Solar
  • Solarworld
  • Oerlikon
  • Suntech Power

That list doesn't even include the two solar companies that already announced cuts in the new year, reports Katie Fehrenbacher at GigaOm:

A week ago power electronics maker, Satcon Technology, announced it will lay off 35 percent of its workers and shut down its factory in Canada. That news followed reports that Silicon Valley solar panel maker GlobalWatt canceled a plan for a solar factory in Michigan.

Fehrenbacher's also got a list of the 13 solar companies aside from Solyndra that failed in 2011. So it seems like companies in competitive new fields of technology fail, a lot. That's sort of the definition of capitalism.