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  • NYT suckered by ExxonMobil in puff piece titled ‘Green is for Sissies’

    Another nail in the coffin of the "liberal media" meme. The NYT has run a greenwashing press release from the oil giant masquerading as a major business news story. Yes, the print headline really is "Green is for Sissies," but as you’ll see, it isn’t some kind of postmodern Onion-esque irony (except maybe unintentionally). Here […]

  • Bush: all the bailout, none of the social benefits

    I see that Bush is delightful as always: Complaining about what it termed partisan "gridlock" in Congress, the White House late Friday called on lawmakers to let U.S. auto makers get quick access to a $25 billion federal loan program, by dropping a requirement that the money be spent on converting to fuel-efficient vehicles.

  • Because small fixes make the biggest difference

    Despite the excellent reasons to reject the GM bailout, consider this: a strings-attached investment that tweaked GM’s production model could reap huge climate benefits — perhaps bigger than anything else we do to autos in the near term. That’s because the biggest opportunities in fuel economy are at the low end of the fleet, not […]

  • Utilities ponder big buy of electric cars

    In a move to support flailing automakers — and potentially boost their own bottom line — several big U.S. utilities are considering putting in orders for thousands of electric cars.

  • A review of Joel Makower’s Strategies for the Green Economy

    If there were an M.B.A. school for green executives, Joel Makower undoubtedly would be its dean, historian, and booster-in-chief. Joel Makower. During a 20-year career, Makower has chronicled the rise of the green movement in corporate America through books, hundreds of stories, and countless speeches. Along the way, he has carved out a mini green […]

  • Nix fuel-efficiency requirement from Big Auto loan, says White House

    To avoid “partisan gridlock” and give U.S. automakers quicker access to a $25 billion loan, Congress should drop the requirement that the money be used to improve vehicle fuel efficiency, the White House said Friday. We’d argue that Detroit is partially in this mess precisely because it dragged its feet on improving vehicle fuel efficiency […]

  • Times Square billboard will be powered by renewables

    A billboard powered entirely by the wind and sun is coming to New York City’s Times Square. And when the wind don’t blow and the sun don’t shine? The billboard, advertising office-equipment giant Ricoh, will just go dark.

  • E.U. may label tires with efficiency ratings

    The European Union may soon require tires to be labeled with a rating of their efficiency, grip, and noise. “A”-rated, high-efficiency tires could cut fuel bills by up to 10 percent over “G”-rated, low-efficiency tires, according to the E.U. The European Tire and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association opposes the proposal, saying it “will not have the […]

  • Call it ‘green mobility’

    With an auto industry bailout careening down the pike, Climate Solutions policy director KC Golden has some vitally needed insights regarding what we need to demand from industry leader GM in return. —– We should not rescue General Motors as we know it. But Congress could use the proposed bailout as an opportunity to begin […]

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    Ted Turner talks with Lou Dobbs

    In this epic Meeting of Blowhards, some good stuff gets said about climate and energy and related matters: