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  • Is Tyson trying to drive its biggest chicken competitor out of business?

    In Meat Wagon, we round up the latest outrages from the meat and livestock industries. ——– Update [2008-11-18 12:4:19 by Tom Philpott]: The credit-rating agency Fitch has come out with a presentation claiming that a Pilgrim’s Pride bankruptcy is “pretty inevitable” and would benefit its rivals (including Tyson), Reuters reports. PP’s bonds are trading at […]

  • Automotive industry provides $13 million jobs, generates $10 billion in tax revenue

    This post is a response to Joseph Romm’s post, “Mo’ money, mo’ problems,” on the future of the American automotive industry. —– Most Americans rely on their cars to drive to work or leisure but never realize the auto industry is important to their pocketbooks, too. When the economy sinks, consumers delay purchases … starting […]

  • Big-money investors urge global climate deal

    In a letter timed to kick policymakers in the pants before an upcoming United Nations climate summit, more than 130 investors holding more than $6 trillion in assets urged world leaders to rassle up a binding agreement to reduce global greenhouse-gas emissions 50 to 80 percent by 2050. “The climate crisis is a multi-generational challenge […]

  • Don Tyson details plans to export the U.S. meat model to global south

    In Meat Wagon, we round up the latest outrages from the meat and livestock industries. —– A handful of large companies [PDF] dominate the U.S. meat industry. The biggest of all (besides Cargill whose interests extend well beyond meat) is Tyson Foods, one of the two largest beef packers, the second-largest pork packer, and the […]

  • Florida scales down U.S. Sugar buyout in Everglades

    Florida Gov. Charlie Crist (R) is set to announce Tuesday that his state is modifying a deal struck this summer to buy out a massive sugar company in the Everglades and turn the company’s land back into wetlands. The retooled deal will likely cost the state about $400 million less than the original plan and […]

  • Monsanto purchased a Brazilian sugarcane ethanol company for $290 million

    At a time when many people were questioning causes of the recent food crisis, many more were investigating how our food systems can move forward to sustainably feed the increasing world population. Recently, the U.N. Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development released a report touting the noteworthy yields and economic benefits of organic agriculture […]

  • Pearlstein: ‘A Detroit bankruptcy beats a bailout’ — but what do you think?

    I’m quite interested in hearing your thoughts on two questions: How much of your money, if any, should the government give to Detroit? What should we get in return ? That is, of course, beyond the $25 billion already promised the Big Three (Medium Two?) U.S. automakers to retool their factories (in theory) to make […]

  • New program will certify responsible e-waste recyclers

    Monday saw the dawn of the e-Stewards Initiative, the first independently accredited certification program for responsible recycling of electronic waste. “By choosing an e-Steward recycler,” explains Sarah Westervelt of the program, “consumers and large businesses are assured that their old computers and TVs will be safely managed, and not simply tossed into a local landfill, […]

  • JCPenney joins the ranks of green retailers

    Say what you will about it, JCPenney is a survivor. The 106-year-old retailer has 1,093 stores lurking around the country, from Media, Pa. to Tempe, Ariz. Having made it through the rash of department store consolidations that gobbled up brands like Marshall Fields, and having fared better than some of its mid-range competitors — Sears […]

  • When in doubt, propagandize

    The ethanol industry is in trouble because the market is rejecting its products, which turn out to have been wildly over-hyped. So it’s taking a cue from the coal industry and improving its product launching a massive advertising campaign. Fresh from my inbox: WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, November 11th, leading ethanol producers from around the […]