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  • Hybrid production costs may drop two-thirds within 10 years

    Bloomberg reports: Toyota Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co. and other carmakers may cut production costs for hybrid systems by 67 percent over the next decade as shipments rise and companies gain experience, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Gasoline-electric systems on average will cost $1,919 each in 2018, compared with an estimated $5,869 this year […]

  • Hog farms can benefit rural agriculture and community

    I spent last Thanksgiving on a 320-acre farm in Pocahontas County, Iowa where Jerry Depew grows corn and soybeans, and for more than 10 years, has also raised hogs. Jerry never has more than several hundred hogs at a time, and while this used to be commonplace on Iowa farms, most small and mid-sized hog […]

  • Political press takes on green jobs with less than stellar results

    I’m of two minds about this Politico piece on green jobs. On one hand, it’s nice to see the notion getting into the political bloodstream. On the other hand, it does a woefully bad job of distinguishing the candidates and contains one horrific and fundamental error of fact. First, the error. Witness: The American Physical […]

  • Tesla ousts second CEO in two years and plans to cut staff

    CNET reported on Wed. that Tesla chairman Elon Musk bumped CEO Ze’ev Drori from the top slot and will take over his position while continuing to focus on product development. Drori didn’t last long in the limelight, as he came to the company in late 2007 after Musk ousted the other former CEO and Tesla […]

  • The hyper-consolidated poultry industry might consolidate even more

    Just four companies — Pilgrim’s Pride, Tyson, Perdue, and Sanderson Farms — slaughter and pack nearly 60 percent of the meat-chickens raised in the United States, reported [PDF] the researcher team Mary Hendrickson and William Heffernan.  That dominance gives these corporate giants what economists call monopsony power — the leverage to dictate to their suppliers […]

  • Wind, solar thermal, and geothermal development outpaces expectations

    As fossil fuel prices rise, as oil insecurity deepens, and as concerns about climate change cast a shadow over the future of coal, a new energy economy is emerging in the United States. The old energy economy, fueled by oil, coal, and natural gas, is being replaced by one powered by wind, solar, and geothermal […]

  • Starbucks addresses water wastage following tabloid indictment

    As John Edwards always said, never underestimate the power of a tabloid. Following the revelation in British rag-mag The Sun that constantly running dipper wells waste a humongous amount of water, a Starbucks spokesperson confirms, “Stores will be instructed to switch off the dipper well tap and will wash spoons after use.” And the plot […]

  • Soros on green as the motor of the economy

    In an interview with Bill Moyers (via Green Inc.), financier George Soros has some things to say about how green investments can pull us out of the current financial crisis (a subject I’ve been hitting repeatedly these last few days): Here’s the transcript: BILL MOYERS: So let’s think about those people down at Neely’s Barbecue […]

  • New Apple laptop is ‘greenest MacBook ever’

    The new Apple laptop that your geeky officemate is swooning over is “the greenest MacBook ever,” according to the company. (But remember, kids: Hanging on to your current laptop is even greener.) Instead of being cobbled together from various pieces, the new MacBook’s main frame is cut out of a single piece of aluminum, and […]

  • Biz aims to offset habitat impact by boosting biodiversity elsewhere

    A giant natural-gas operation that Shell Oil is building in Qatar will disrupt birds and rare desert truffles — but the company plans to make amends by protecting antelopes, turtles, and sea cows elsewhere in the emirate. Such “biodiversity offset” schemes are up-and-coming, as companies seeking to burnish their eco-reputations come together with conservation groups […]