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  • The latest green partnership

    Dave posted earlier about the new green cleaning line from Clorox and his combined reaction of happy feelings and “how will greens spin this into suckage.” But wait, it gets better: Wal-Mart is investing big time in the Clorox product line. Check this quote from a Wal-Mart press release: “Wal-Mart’s support of Green Works has […]

  • Bleach company discovers its green gene

    Joel Makower has a characteristically thorough and thoughtful look at Clorox’s launch of their new "Green Works" line of cleaning products, in which he was peripherally involved (does the guy sleep?). I’ll admit, when I read these things, I feel positive and hopeful, and then I think, hm, how will some enviro manage to spin […]

  • Tech companies offer free rights to eco-friendly patents

    Four tech companies have partnered with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development to introduce the Eco-Patent Commons, which will offer the rights to eco-friendly technologies for free. IBM, Sony, Nokia, and Pitney Bowes have together donated 31 patents into the public domain, including one for a shock-absorbing cardboard tray that would replace the need […]

  • Automakers unveil greener vehicles at Detroit auto show

    At press previews of the 2008 North American International Auto Show that opens next weekend in Detroit, automakers announced plans to roll out greener vehicles as well as other greenish initiatives. On the hybrid front, market leader Toyota has said it will offer a plug-in hybrid to government and corporate customers by 2010; the plug-in […]

  • Wal-Mart pushes electronics suppliers to rate their products by eco-friendliness

    Wal-Mart is giving its electronics suppliers a scorecard on which they can rate their products on green qualities like durability and ease of recycling. That’s tricky, of course, given the lack of a national standards for such things — so it’s pushing for that, too. Given Wal-Mart’s size, I won’t be surprised if it single-handedly […]

  • New certification in the works for green hotels

    Saw a passing reference in a piece on travel trends about a new certification scheme for green hotels. Supposed to be developed in the next 90 days, says Joe McInerney, president of the American Hotel & Lodging Association. AHLA’s site, meanwhile, has a list of hot green hotel progress, ranging from Motel 6 using sensors […]

  • A livestock title for fair and competitive markets

    This is the second in a series of five farm bill fact sheets from the Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. Want more details on all of the sustainable agriculture provisions in the next Farm Bill? Go here (PDF) for a matrix that shows the status of provisions in the House and Senate versions.

    A shrinking number of companies dominate the nation's food supply, exerting market power over the entire supply chain from farm gate to dinner plate. In the livestock sector, the increasingly concentrated market has left farmers and ranchers in a position to negotiate with corporations that have far greater bargaining power and control over price information. The 2008 Farm Bill is the country's last best chance to restore competition and fairness to livestock markets for the next five years.

    Contact your senators and representative today, and tell them to urge the Senate and House Agriculture Committee leadership to include a comprehensive Livestock Title in the final farm bill.

  • Watch CBS this Saturday for breaking electric-car news

    I was just interviewed by CBS for a possible story on plug-in hybrids on Monday. You should tune in to CBS evening news Saturday for the first coverage of what I believe is a major advance in plug-ins -- a car I test drove a few weeks back and will be free to write about here Monday.

    The New York Times will probably be doing a print story on the car Sunday, which I'll link to. Then CBS may do another story, which is where I would come in. This hybrid technology will be rolled out in a retrofitted car at the Detroit auto show.

    I think this is a big deal. Basically the company figured out how to design a practical, affordable plug-in hybrid without a breakthrough in battery technology!! Stay tuned.

  • World’s largest banks ranked on their climate commitment

    The world’s banks are starting to recognize the threat of climate change, but could certainly do more, says a new report from Ceres, a coalition of investors and green groups pushing corporate sustainability. The group ranked 40 of the world’s largest publicly traded banks on their green (the climate kind, not the money kind). Some […]

  • Cargill’s well-connected fertilizer unit wows Wall Street, dumps on Florida

    As I wrote last week, the real winners in the ethanol boom aren’t corn growers or even ethanol makers (though the latter will do just fine). Rather, it’s the companies that make the inputs needed for growing vast quantities of corn. Photo: iStockphoto Monsanto, the world’s dominant producer of genetically modified seed traits as well […]