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  • Low Income, High Concept

    Low-income housing starts going eco-friendly Low-income housing, built in part with money from a special program of federal tax credits, has traditionally been low-cost, low-quality, and low-appeal. But the Enterprise Foundation is trying to change that with its Green Communities Initiative, investing $550 million over five years toward 8,500 units of affordable housing built to […]

  • Suit of Harmer

    Automakers sue California over greenhouse-gas emission regs The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers filed suit against California on Tuesday, charging that the state’s new regulations on greenhouse-gas emissions from vehicles (requiring a roughly 30 percent cut by 2016) amount to the imposition of new fuel-economy standards, which is the feds’ purview. The Schwarzenegger administration has pledged […]

  • Fond O’ Honda

    Honda ranked as greenest automaker Of the six largest automakers selling vehicles in the U.S., Honda is the greenest, according to a new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Emissions from Honda’s 2003 vehicles amounted to less than half the industry average. Nissan, which ranked second, was the most improved in reducing emissions of […]

  • Put It in Neutral

    HSBC pledges carbon neutrality U.K.-based banking company HSBC has announced a management plan aimed at reaching carbon neutrality by 2006. With 10,000 banks in 76 countries, HSBC estimates it will cost up to $7 million to account for the more than 600,000 tons of carbon dioxide the company adds to the atmosphere every year via […]

  • Up the Leak Without a Paddle

    New documents point to Union Carbide culpability on Bhopal Since the Bhopal disaster in 1984, Union Carbide Corp. (UCC), owner of the leaking chemical plant, has denied responsibility, saying that its Indian subsidiary (Union Carbide India Limited, or UCIL) was solely responsible for the plant’s design and management. But newly uncovered documents cast doubt on […]

  • States Hafta NAFTA

    International trade treaties hamper states on environmental protection When the U.S. signed on to international trade treaties like NAFTA, enviros warned that it could hamper efforts to pass and enforce eco-friendly laws and regulations, and there’s mounting evidence to support those dark predictions. After a period of caution and reticence, U.S. trading partners are more […]

  • Original Cinergy

    Energy giant Cinergy comes out in favor of greenhouse-gas regulations For some time, enviros have been predicting that with states and other countries starting to regulate their greenhouse-gas emissions, sooner or later large energy companies in the U.S. would begin craving the predictability of consistent federal guidelines. It appears that day is upon us, as […]

  • Feel the Heat

    Study says human activity raises risk of heat waves; lawsuits possible Human activity is raising the risk of another heat wave like the one that ravaged Europe in the summer of 2003, says a new study in the journal Nature — and the link may open the way for lawsuits against polluters. Using computer models, […]

  • Roll Out the Green Carpet

    As sales of green building products go up, prices come down Construction companies are increasingly turning to green products, and saving greenbacks in the process. It’s still widely believed that eco-friendly products are more costly than their not-so-eco-friendly counterparts, but that state of affairs is changing. Carpet made of recycled plastic and floor boards composed […]

  • Hyper Activism

    Software company Hyperion offers employees money for fuel-efficient cars California software company Hyperion is getting quite a bit of positive press for offering its employees $5,000 toward the purchase of a fuel-efficient car, and we’re happy to jump on the bandwagon. The grant is available to any of Hyperion’s 2,600 employees who have worked at […]